How Does CBD Help Women With Postpartum Depression?

Read on to see how using CBD products appropriately can help new mothers deal with their postpartum depression.

A new baby is one of the biggest blessings that can happen to parents and the family at large. However, not many people understand the pressure and strain of pregnancy and childbirth except for the new mother. Sometimes women are strong enough to handle the process successfully without any eventful happenings taking place. Sadly this is not often the case, especially when the new mother gets depressed.

It can be challenging to handle when the new child comes, and the work’s reality finally hits the mother. Many women have slipped into a postpartum depression where they do not want anything to do with the child, or they find themselves grudgingly going through the motions of child care.

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Gov. Edwards signs bill to allow smokable medical marijuana in Louisiana

Louisiana will now allow doctors to prescribe marijuana in its raw, smokable form to patients. Gov. John Bel Edwards signed a bill Tuesday that removed a crude cannabis ban from state law, which had limited medical forms to elixirs, gummies and inhalers.

Proponents in the legislature pointed to other states that have added smokable pot to their prescription offerings and argued Louisiana had to keep pace to stay competitive. State lawmakers were told patients reported better results from raw marijuana and more affordable prices… Read More here